Thursday, 4 April 2013

Love what you do

Ironman Lanzarote is trying to sneak up on me, and as it nears my training intensity is ramping up. I've gotten my first 2 real outdoor rides in this week, done a whole lot of running, and put in some quality time in the pool. And with the intensity has come some tired legs, fatigued lungs, and a few mental stumbling blocks. But this week I'm soaking in that pain and thriving on it. This week I'm actually relishing in my ability to keep pushing. Because I can.

Now I'd be lying if I said my mind has been focused 100% on my workouts this week. Especially those solo sessions. That's the beauty of training on your own; it gives you time to reflect. It's become a bit cliche to say someone is one of the nicest people you'll meet. And I try to avoid cliches.  But those hours of swimming/running/biking on my own this week have given me time to pay tribute to honestly one of the most genuinely beautiful souls I have ever met. I only met Sweyen Lam a couple of times and chatted on the phone a few times, but those brief encounters (and plenty of stories from my wife) were enough to make a strong impression on me. So it was with great sadness that I was awoken by a phone call from Dezz early Monday morning to tell me Sweyen was gone; taken from us unexpectedly and way too soon. 

I've never been one to believe things happen for a reason. The universe didn't dictate it. Some god didn't have greater plans. Bad shit just happens to some amazing people. All we can do is keep their memory alive and strive to enjoy life. Love what you do. It's hard to push away the grief long enough to see how any good can come of this situation right now. But in time I truly believe that greatness will rise out of people's desires to honour Sweyen's memory. The last time I saw that happen, I ended up doing a little triathlon in Jason Lapierre's memory. 6 years later I watched my good friend (and one of Sweyen's best friends) cross the finish line at Ironman Canada with a huge smile on her face. I believe Jay's spirit had a little something to do with that. And in time, we'll reflect back during some training ride or hike in the woods or dance off at a house party, and realize that although we'll only see Sweyen's smile in pictures, the memory of her amazing spirit will have lifted us to a place we never thought possible. Rest in Peace Sweyen.

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